Here's what I saw on my stroll around Brooklyn Heights today. I read somewhere that Brooklyn use to be where the RICH ppl moved? at some point in time, Brooklyn was the
third largest city in America (really? musta been long long time ago). Anyways, neat streets, neat buildings...
But then in the midst of it all...LOVE LA? I thought I left LA behind...who here loves LA?
I did run into some stupid LA girls in the train station that were talking up these cops who thought they were cute. Was goin on and on about what LA's like and what's NY got? no shopping...ummm, cuz they were at the WRONG PLACE!! your research. LA's got nothing on NY. [ I say this, but I live in LA... = ( ]
And then there was this newly renovated? built? white building. Still go the charms but a little different. Refreshing, I guess.
To sum it up, today was a nice day. Like these 2 Vespas...Manhattan and Brooklyn. They each got their individual spirirt, but they go together like PB & J. = )
OH! almost forgot. The point of all the trekking today was to go to a fabric store to make my friend a bed cover. VOILA! mission accomplished, but I hope she likes it. = P
*one more note: Five Guys Hamburger and Fries... sigh, Burger Joint is STILL better. I can almost smell it, just thinking about it. = )